Time Passes, Animals Change!

It occured to me when opening the site and seeing the banner that the non-human animals have all gone. Ben, the black labrador had a massive cancer on his stomach, Muppet,the King Charles Spaniel became very aged and frail. Megabollicks became wild and attacked all and sundry: we ate him. Our cat Abelard unforunatey died of cancer.

Our remaing sheep we keep to crop the grass in our lower field and bits elsewhere. We have had geese, ducks, chickens and turkeys, in various numbers but we have slimmed down to 1 duck, 6 chickens; 7 turkeys and of course the 6 sheep.

We now have three dogs,

Maurice: Basset Hound, Male, Huge, Quiet, Very placid and only moves into a trot when food is around, never seen him run (See here) In the correct season he has been seen to pick Brussel Sprouts off the stalks and of course he will munch through an entire strawberry crop from the gound if given half a chance.

Bertha: So called beacause her previous french owners had only had a small dog and Bertha, when a pup seemed enormous, named after the big german gun. Half the size of Maurice, much more energetic, but of course she does not deign to arise before midday or one o’clock. She is becoming vociferous at the gate, having been silent before the arrival of

Pickle: A female working black Cocker Spaniel. On the alert 24/7, always at the gate to see who is passing, then barking to welcome the intruders. When not doing that she helps Kate with the gardening, digging large holes where she thinks they ought to be, not always where wanted. She is slowly becoming good at herding the turkeys into bed every evening.

Pickle’s first day. Maurice showing Pickle how to relax

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