Part Two
We are “Dorper” sheep. Quite a rare breed of sheep in France, the name comes from the male Dorset Horn and the female Blackhead Persian Sheep. As you would expect we have black heads and a white body.(More details in the left hand side bar). We are regarded as having the ability to graze and browse which says it all really.
In the beginning when we were three, Sharon, Tracy and me, there were three Italian Pines guarded by a length of pig fence. At first we ignored these but soon jumped over the fence and discovered they made a tasty morsel after our main food given to us in the stable. Now the pines recline at about 70 degrees, in my view a much better angle for casual browsing; not apparently to the humans who have now fenced them off electrically.
As we grew bigger so our range of browsing increased, how lovely to pull the budding growth off the Twisted Hazel, how glorious to stand on ones back legs and graze the buddleias, what bliss it is to reach up into the bottom hedgerow and pull at the trees. Now we have the babies to look after I reach into the buddleia and pull over a branch until it is horizontal and the little ones can eat their fill. Such is the life of a caring parent.
We were eternally grateful to the humans for their concern for our well being, not only did they have a well prepared and stocked vegetable plot for our perusal but they thoughtfully provided a brand new Rose Bed. I in fact majored at a specialist university in all things horticultural. It was so natural for me to graze all the buds of the roses, not once but twice in a stern effort to rid the plants of all greenfly. I only took the flowers and left the stalks in order for them to flourish once more. I am keeping a wary eye out for the next full flush of rose buds.
And what of Arthur I hear you ask? He is growing apace and has the impudence to charge at me. Only the other day I was chatting to Tracey when he came charging up and hit me in the side. I turned towards him and he continued to butt me on the head. Eventually he lost his presence of mind for he took three or four paces back and charged my head not once but twice. I remonstrated with him to no avail, so when he backed off to charge me once again I just put my head down and took one pace forward and met him head on. Arthur then cartwheeled away and came back a different child.