Category: Uncategorized

Time Passes, Animals Change!

It occured to me when opening the site and seeing the banner that the non-human animals have all gone. Ben, the black labrador had a massive cancer on his stomach, Muppet,the King Charles Spaniel became very aged and frail. Megabollicks…

La Maison de Verre

Having lived in France for eight years – himself eighteen – and not doing much but reclaim the garden from nature – brambles, thistles stinging nettles and random bushes, hand digging trenches wearing waders, across fields in pouring rain to…

Ukraine On Fire

The film – Ukraine on Fire provides the background to the situation in Ukraine today, and since there is little chance that any reality or truth is to be heard or from Western mainstream media today, anyone wondering ‘Why?’ needs…


Basset Hound male called Maurice

Three years ago my old spaniel Muppet died from heart failure…..she’s been pushing up roses in the rose bed ever since. Or more accurately one white rose in the middle of the bed which has grown enormous. Over the last…

Ted Talks of interest

Willful Blindness. The Scourge of Today. Wilful Blindness If there is information that you could know and you should know but you somehow manage not to know, the law deems that you are Wilfully Blind. You have chosen not to…